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Why Office File Management System (OFMS)?

Data privacy and security is the top priority of many organizations / companies / Governments. They have a specialized team for monitoring the data privacy and its usage. The main reason for the data breaching is the substandard technology as well as using the different platforms for the data sharing. Another reason is the lack of control on the data sharing platforms.


To avoid the data breaching and protecting the data privacy, it is better to have our own software / application / platform for the data storage and its sharing in secured environment. By considering the activities of the various offices (Universities, colleges, companies, etc), we have developed a cloud application called as Office File Management System (OFMS).

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Total Deployments
Educational Institutions
Companies / Orgnizations
The solution & Technology

Features & Support

  • Office login.
  • No limit on the offices management.
  • Doc store for the preservation of the data.
  • Folders management.
  • File management controls like sharing, edit, delete, etc.
  • File sharing between office of a company / University.
  • File sharing with other companies / organizations / offices using Virtual ID technology.
  • Advanced Virtual ID control system (blocking the shared docs download at any time, etc).
  • Server management.
  • 24*7 support, training and many more.

Pricing & Customizations

Customizations: As per your requirement, we will make customizations in our application for you.  

Pricing: Contact our support team with your requirement.

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