+91-6281333383 | info@kvrssgroup.com | Live Chat (24/7) |
For security reasons, we have disabled the auto password reset for all types of accounts such as admin, members, etc.
If you would like to change the password,
Login to your account.
Hit the Change Password that is available on the left menu.
If members forgotten their password, then they should ask the Admin of the library for new password.
Password resetting for the member accounts (students or teachers or any other but not admin role members).
Login with the admin account.
Go to the Members.
Hit the View icon.
Hit the Edit icon.
Check-In the Change Your Password.
Type and retype the Password.
Hit the Update.
Password resetting for the admin role accounts (operators or librarian)
Login with the admin account.
Go to the Settings.
Look at the Admin Role Panel.
Hit the Edit icon.
Check-In the Change Your Password.
Type and retype the Password.
Hit the Update.
Visit our KVR LMS ➦ official portal.
Still if you have queries, reach us at
+91-6281333383 | info@kvrssgroup.com | Live Chat (24/7) |