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Why UPI QP Bank?
While we are providing various services (tech / non tech) to the educational institutions, we have received many requests from the students for old question papers of various universities. Then we have taken a decision to develop a project to maintain all the old question papers of various universities. Along with that decision, experts from the KVRSS Group have also observed the various needs / problems of students who are willing to opt for the higher education in the world's best educational institutions. Based on their needs and requirements, we are also updating the information like scholarships, fellowships, interviews of experts, etc.
KVRSS Group has signed a MoU with various Universities for providing various services along with the UPI QP Bank project. In recent years, it has gained more popularity!
The solution & Technology
Features & Support
- Old Question Papers Management.
- Details about the Entrance Examinations.
- Notifications of Various Entrance Examinations.
- Details about the Job Examinations.
- Notifications of the Job Examinations.
- Experts Interviews.
- Details about the Fellowships / Scholarships / Internships.
- Admission Notifications.
- Guidance for the National / International Admissions.
- Placement Details of Various Educational Institutions.
- Admission Alerts.
- Career Guidance.
- Server management.
- 24*7 support, training and many more.

Pricing & Customizations
There are no any charges to access the information on this project. It means, everyone will have a direct access to the content of this project.
Website: https://upiqpbank.com/